
Friday, June 26, 2009


Kade got to spend 4 days in Wyoming last week as it was our stakes year to go on the pioneer trek. He really didn't want to go at all but I made him and I'm glad I did. He had a great time with a couple of spiritual experiances that have definatly changed him for the good. I was so impressed at his growth when he got home I almost cried. Kade was able to walk a bit but had to ride the little cart most of if. (you can see it in one of the pictures) See if you can pick him out in the pictures.


Keri said...

I need help with picking Kade out in the pictures...Not sure which one is him. I'm glad he had a fun time. There is NO way I would have survived having been a pioneer....I will be forever in AWE at all they had to endure to get to this valley.

Keri said...

PS - Is that really a countdown to the New Moon that I see on your blog page........;-0