
Sunday, November 30, 2008

November wrap up

Today is the last day of november. WOW this month went by fast. Nothing to exciting happened. Brittney got to come home twice. Once for veteran's day and again on Thanksgiving. It is always good to see her but she never gets to stay very long. Sisterday this month was cool. We went to Body World in Salt Lake. It was very interesting and kind of sick all at the same time. Oh it was also report card time this month. Kade and Colee are doing good in school except I can't beleive Tia would give her nephew such a bad grade....what the??!!?? j/k We had a good thanksgiving at Nada's. I like to go there cause I don't have to bring anything and I only have to wash MY dish. After, we went to dad's for desert and played games while the guy's went trap shooting. So the the things I am most thankful for are family, my home, my church, my country and for my ancesters who giving up everything to come to this country so I could be where I am today.


Keri said...

So what are you going to do when you start having your own thanksgiving dinner?? There will be TONS of dishes to do then. lol Oh ya, you have 2 kids that could do them. Hee Hee!!

Keri said...

PS - have we decided on what we're doing for sister day this month??

Lea said...

I have a dish washer!

About Us said...

What do you mean you don't know how to blog? Your blog looks great!